In order to fully comply with PokerStars rules, NoteCaddy has some limitations when playing there. These limitations happen automatically while playing on PokerStars tables.
- CaddySpark and CaddyScatter graphs will not appear during live play on PokerStars. They will still appear on the replayer and when viewing note history within NoteCaddy.
- Badges that categorize players automatically will not appear during live play on PokerStars. They will still appear on the replayer and when viewing note history within NoteCaddy. Badges that are assigned manually by you do work on PokerStars. Add the stat NC.PlayerTags to your HUD to be able to tag players manually.
- Definitions which filter by specific board types will not appear when playing at PokerStars. An example definition would be "CBet on Ace High Flop".
- Definitions which filter by specific hands will not appear when playing at PokerStars. An example definition would be "Raise Flop Without a Pair".